Thursday, May 3, 2007

Paper Outline


I. Introduction
A. Attention-getter
1. we must take other steps, such as increasing conservation, developing an ethanol industry, and increasing CAFE standards if we are to make our country safer by cutting our reliance on foreign oil

B. Preview main points
1. The history of Ethanol.

2. Some drawbacks of ethanol.

3. Why ethanol Is an evermore probable solution to the oil crisis. _______________________________________________________________________() C. Thesis statement
1. Ethanol is a good alternative to the gorwing issue og petroleum. _______________________________________________________________________
II. Body
A. Body paragraph #1
1. The history of Ethanol
a. _____________________________________________________________________
2.Ethanol is a flex fuel made from corn, a reusable energy source.
a. ______________________________________________________________________
b. The sugars are harvested from corn and used to feed microbes, which then release ethanol and carbon dioxide. ______________________________________________________________________
c. ______________________________________________________________________
d. ______________________________________________________________________
3. Ethanol became more popular in the eighties, but still did not have a large following. ______________________________________________________________________
f. ______________________________________________________________________
B. Body paragraph #1
1. Topic sentence
a. _____________________________________________________________________
2. Supporting details (proof of topic sentence; be specific with details and have enough information)
a. ______________________________________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________________________________
c. ______________________________________________________________________
d. ______________________________________________________________________
e. ______________________________________________________________________
f. ______________________________________________________________________

C. Body paragraph #1 (third proof of your thesis statement)
1. Topic sentence
a. _____________________________________________________________________
2. Supporting details (proof of topic sentence; be specific with details and have enough information)
a. ______________________________________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________________________________
c. ______________________________________________________________________
d. ______________________________________________________________________
e. ______________________________________________________________________
f. ______________________________________________________________________
III. Conclusion
A. Re-state thesis
1. ________________________________________(Transition sentence goes here) B. Review main points
1. _______________________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________________________(Transition sentence goes here) C. Attention-"goer" (sometimes called the "clincher")
1. _______________________________________________________________________

The views and opinions expressed in this page are strictly those of the page author.The contents of this page have not been reviewed or approved by the University of Minnesota.

Friday, April 20, 2007

show don't tell.

Upon a mountain in a veering gulf is a cottage. It's nestled within coconut trees and palms with leaves shaped as fans, green like jade, reaching up into the sky. The faint smell of grilled seafood lingers on the back patio, a rustic concrete slab with thick plastered walls and yard chairs. The back patio door slides open to reveal a minimal living room, with local made rataan chairs, a TV, and a small kitchen equipped with a sink and a fridge. The bathroom is compact, with a large rectangular window viewing a small courtyard filled with rare flowers and rain drenched shrubbery. The floors of the cottage are made of creaky nara wood, dark in complection and resilient in the light. The small bamboo door leads into the sleeping quarters, filled with two foam beds with satiny white sheets, a drawer made of Nara and bamboo, and an old dial phone. The dials outgo to many different utilities, the front desk, room service, and the night club. The faint sound of misting rain can be heard through the windows made of wood paneling and rustic glass. Through the windows the cascading bay flaunts its beauty, seldomely the monotony is broken by the occasional steam boat or fishing kayak. This place is serene and majestic, away from the bustling streets filled with honking jeepneys and locals selling their goods. For those who don't look for luxury but rather beauty, this place can seem like a tropical heaven.

Annotation 1

For all its promise , the wind doesn't blow when needed.

The article with this title is the debate for and against the use of wind energy. With emission controls blockading new coal plants, wind energy could be the saving grace; However, with all of the promise laden with this energy alternative, there are drawbacks. When the wind doesn't blow, there is no power being generated, which means potential blackouts. This problem would need to be adressed with access energency generators that are coslty to run and horrendous in pollution. In new sprawling cities, wind power would be a problem since the hottest days are the least windy. The best way to look at the wind energy situation is to view it as a good add on, but not yet a reliable alternative for new America.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Mis Spring break

My spring break was a healthy mix of fun and mediocrity. On the first Friday evening i went to hang out with my friends and play video games and enjoy unhealthy salty snacks. Then, over the weekend, i spent time with my family, going out to eat and renting movies. it was a picture perfect weekend of mother-to-sons bonding. On Monday, I hung out with my brother and his Girlfriend, who lives with us, and then later went to their friends house. It was a fun night of playing cards and watching Borat. From Tuesday-Thursday I spent my time writing a compare and contrast essay on the painters Maria Van Oosterwyck and Rachel Ruysch. On friday, there was a big party at my house and all of my brothers friends were there. They played cards and and had a roudy time. I hung out with them and then later, much later, went to go hang out with my friends.